Saturday, July 21, 2012
Thursday, July 19, 2012
Sunday, July 15, 2012
Get More by Giving
Scripture: "Give, and
you will receive. Your gift will return to you in full--pressed down, shaken
together to make room for more, running over, and poured into your lap. The
amount you give will determine the amount you get back." Luke
Missing Out
Lately, I've been realizing that
I've been missing out on so much that's right in front of me, because I've been
so focused on what I don't have. It's like if you were starving and had someone
bring you a great meal with a lid on top, but you're so focused on your
neighbor eating his sandwich, that you don't even notice! You have this amazing
meal in front of you, but it goes to waste because you're so transfixed on what
others have. I have been living this way, and I believe God wants me to stop.
Because this habit, where you want what you don't have and aren't happy with
what you do have, is called covetousness, and it's actually a soul
What is a "Soul Toxin?"
A soul toxin is something
you are doing (knowingly or unknowingly) that is causing sickness in your soul.
For example, if I lived in a smog-filled city, my lungs would be always filled
with toxins, making it hard for me to breathe, run, and enjoy life. But smog is
fairly invisible, and unless someone tells me about it, I'm going to keep
breathing it in! And suffering. Maybe you feel that way in your soul. You feel
always on-edge, nervous, worried, and unhappy. This is indication of a soul
toxin, and it's just what Jesus came to help you with. In fact, Jesus was
criticized for hanging out the most with needy, "soul-toxic" people.
He told His critics,
"Healthy people don't need a doctor; those
who are sick do. I've come to call sinners, not people who think they have
God's approval." (Mark 2:17)
So if you think that you have too
many issues to be liked (or even loved!) by Jesus, you're in for a surprise: He
came just for you.
The Soul Doctor
Now, because Jesus made our
souls, He knows how they work best. He knows the things that are toxic
for you, and the things that are going to make you thrive. It's like
going to the best doctor in the world who knows just how the body works and can
tell you the best things to eat and do to live an amazing, vibrant life. That's
what Jesus is for you: Your Soul Doctor. And covetousness is one of the
things He said is very toxic for your soul. He said, "Beware! Guard
against every kind of greed. Life is not measured by how much you own." Luke
Am I Greedy?
Now, when I hear the word
"greed," I automatically think of just money. But that's not all you
can be greedy for. What about wanting someone else's life? Wishing you looked
like them, had their family, or had their luxuries? That's how God defines
coveting: Jealousy wanting anything someone else has. He said, "You must
not covet your neighbor's house. You must not covet your neighbor's wife, male or
female servant, ox or donkey, or anything else that belongs to your neighbor."
20:17 I know I have been so guilty of this, looking to other people as
better off than me, thinking, "If I could just have their money, their
spouse, their house...I could be happy."
Covetousness Symptoms
Here are some signs you might be
dealing with this soul toxin (I have them all!):
- You are never satisfied
You are constantly wishing things
were different
You can't be happy for others'
What's the Remedy?
I hate when someone tells me
what's wrong with me but not how to fix it. It's so depressing! But Jesus
doesn't do that to you. He teaches about the soul toxin and the soul remedy.
After explaining that "Life is not measured by how much you own," He
says, "It is more blessed to give than to receive." Acts
20:35 This is the cure for covetousness: Giving! I want you to do 2
things with your body. First, I want you to clench up your fists as tight as
you can get them. How does that feel? Stressful? Tense? That's the position of
covetousness. Your whole body is saying, "I want! I want! I want!"
and you've never happy. But now, I want you to relax your arms out right in
front of you, with your palms open. Hold them like that for a couple seconds,
closing your eyes and breathing in and out. How do you feel? Peaceful? Happy?
That is the feeling of contentment and giving, the soul remedy
that Jesus is prescribing for you today.
Bring in the Health
Let's take Jesus' remedy this
week. What if we purposefully went through this week not thinking, "How
much can I get?" but instead, "How much can I give?"
Think how beautiful our existence together would be! And we can start that now,
you and me, and our whole big group. This week, let's see what we can give
to others. It can be a hug, a word of encouragement, money or clothes to
someone in need, or a thank-you card. In fact, let's start by giving to each
other in the Comments! Write your prayer or what's on your heart, and then
find someone else's comment and reply back to them with a prayer or
encouragement. I truly believe that Jesus' remedy of giving is going to
free us of the burden of covetousness. Let's start this week, and next week I
will ask you how it is going! I am praying for you.
Tuesday, July 10, 2012
Healing for Your Soul
Healing for Your Soul

Is Your Soul Troubled?
I know you've been battling a lot of things in your soul. Worry about your future, regret over mistakes, consuming fear about what others think about you. It can be so overwhelming. God does not want you to live this way. He has a spacious, green, beautiful land for your soul to rest in, and He is inviting you into it. I want you to read the following promise from God to you out loud, and insert your name into it, because it's exactly what God wants to do for you.The Lord is _______'s shepherd, ________ shall not be in want.
He makes _________ lie down in green pastures,
He leads _________ beside quiet waters,
He restores __________'s soul. (Psalm 23:1-3)
Restoration for Your Soul
How is your soul doing? If you were to get a check-up, what would the doctor say? Fearful? Sad? Anxious? Your soul is the place where you really exist-your deepest, truest self. It is where you hold your memories, thoughts about yourself, and perception of the world around you. Think of your soul as the soil of your life: its health determines how much can grow in your life. If you have hard, dry soil, even if you plant all the best seeds, they will not be able to grow. Maybe you have been dealing with that kind of dryness in your soul. You try to feed yourself with good things, like the Bible or church or good friends, but still you feel empty and dry, and the things you want aren't growing.God Wants to Prosper Your Soul
God wants to change all that. He actually wants to prosper your soul. 3 John 1:2 says, "Beloved, I pray that in all respects you may prosper and be in good health, just as your soul prospers." I want you to imagine 2 landscapes: 1 is dry and barren, with trees with tiny, shriveled-up branches, and all around gray; the other is green, lush, with so many different trees and crops, and little streams running throughout it. The latter is His promise to you, and I want you to insert your name again:The LORD will comfort _________again and have pity on _________'s ruins.
___________'s desert will blossom like Eden, __________'s barren wilderness like the garden of the LORD.
Joy and gladness will be found there. Songs of thanksgiving will fill the air. (Isaiah 51:3)
The Problem
There may be things in the soil of your soul that are rocky and dry, making it so that the things you want to grow there can't. An example of a rock would be something or someone you've been unable to forgive (maybe even yourself!) or coveting what other people have. These things act as barriers to the beautiful things God wants to plant in your life. Think of them as toxins for your soul. It's like if you were trying to eat really healthy but were also ingesting a little bit of poison with every meal. No matter how much water you drink, you're still going to feel awful.Let's Go on a Healing Cleanse
I want us to experience true prosperity of soul by removing the bad things in our life and replacing them with the good things God has for us. Every week, we are going to learn about a new soul toxin and its remedy. God has amazing prescriptions for each of the things that are troubling you now (anxiety, anger, depression, etc.), and I believe He wants to lead us into experiencing deep health for our souls. Do you want to go on a health cleanse for your soul with me? I need this just as bad as you. If you are in, please write your heart-cry to God about the health you desire for your soul in the Comments. I'll start with my own prayer for me and for you:Lord, I want You to heal my soul. All the things that have troubled me and kept me from living the life you have for me, please remove them. I am giving You full-access to my soul; please let the verses above come true for me and for the person reading this. Let us experience the prosperity of soul while we are still on this earth. Teach us the keys to live healthy. In Jesus' name, amen.
Monday, July 2, 2012
YOUR FAMILY. For the last
one year EMMA AND YOUNG a broadcast media
and the performing arts production group has been producing and
RADIO Wa 89.8 FM. this is the first of its kind in the region. Now we are
packaging the whole series (52) episodes
and sharing with special friends of Emma and Young. The series is very
educative and entertaining especially for families. It is produced in Luo with
few episodes having a mixture of English and Lango. You may wish to have a copy
of this package for your family and friends. The whole family will surely like
it and if you have young ones, there is lot; inspirational teachings and wisdom
for their effective growth. the series is in a pack of FIVE CDS, each CD having 10 episodes; each
episode is between 35 to 45 minutes; its all going for 25,000/= only. If you are interested, please text me your name
and address on 0776 996776 or 0772 999535. All proceeds from this WILL GO to
the outreach events in schools. Thanks, Gira Emmanuel
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